Tips To Avoid Being Smart-Priced
These are tips that have been compiled from many top blogs on the topics of smart pricing:
- Create highly targeted content to search engine traffic.
- Improves blog with highly targeted content and high quality articles that draw more interest to visitors on products/services being discussed or reviewed.
- Improves Adsense design and placement to improves CTR.
- Avoid blogging about blogs to avoid audience that don't tend to click ads (i.e. don't target us!).
- Avoid building contents with the intention of targeting only social networks.
- Delete Adsense on blogs that are being smart-priced, have low CTR (less than 3%), or generate low earnings per click (around $0.10 or less).
- If possible (but extremely difficult), ask permission to create multiple Adsense accounts - one for blogs that convert well, and another for blogs that you suspect are being smart-priced.